single component, multipurpose acrylic adhesive
Product ID: PARFIX K877 MULTI FLOORsingle component, multipurpose acrylic adhesive, characterized by excellent lubricity and permanent stickiness.
PARFIX K877 MULTI FLOOR is a single component, multipurpose acrylic adhesive, characterized by excellent lubricity and permanent stickiness. It is used for vertical profiles and elastic coverings that are installed for absorbent and semi-absorbent floors and walls.
the surface on which the glue is applied should be smooth, dry, free of grease and dust. Dilute with water only if necessary. The glue is applied evenly using a toothed spatula number 1-3. After use clean the tool with water.
250-350g/m2 depending on the substrate.
+10°C/+25°C; air humidity max 75%
30 min.
10-25 min.
after 2-4h
Completely dry: after 48-72h
″Use on carpet and needle-punched textiles with any substrate; linoleum up to 3mm thick; vinyl substrates; PVC floors in rolls and tiles; textile floor coverings; semi-hard vinyl; rubber mats up to 3mm thick; PVC coverings and floors; coconut floor and wall coverings with latex backing; coverings and styrofoam floors.
store in the original and well-closed packaging at a temperature of +5 to +25°C, protected from direct sunlight. Storage temperature above 25°C reduces the stability time.
During transportation and storage, protect from frost and overheating.